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Phosetamin Ne Tablets general information
The nervous system consists of more than 10 billion nerve cells, which are distributed throughout the body via their nerve pathways. The nerve cells send the commands to the muscles. They conversely, direct the sensations of touch, heat and cold to the brain, as well as the sensory impressions of the eye, ear, nose and tongue. A special part of the nervous system regulates the activity of the internal organs, e.g. the heart, stomach and intestines. The nerve cells are also responsible for the processing of the psychic event. Because all parts of the nervous system are intertwined and interwoven, the work of the nerve cells must be coordinated very accurately.
The transmission of the commands via the nerve paths is done by electrical impulses. Nature uses the electrical capacities of the electrolytes magnesium, potassium and calcium. These minerals are normally taken with food. Phosetamin® NE contains the minerals magnesium, potassium and calcium.
As a component of the body's own enzymes, magnesium supports the metabolism of the body and it is necessary for muscle function. In addition, magnesium contributes to normal electrolyte balance and healthy nerve function. Phosetamin® NE contains lecithin in addition to the electrolytes. Lecithin is the classic term for a group of naturally occurring substances called phosphatidylcholines. Phosphatidylcholines belong to the body's own components of all cell membranes, in particular the sheaths of the nerve cells. Another nutritional function of phosphatidylcholine for the organism is that it is an important source in the metabolism for the production of choline and it can be used as a source for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
The lecithin of eggs used in Phosetamin® NE has the advantage that it has more than twice the amount of phosphatidylcholine as soya lecithin. Moreover, the use of lecithin from eggs ensures that it is produced "without genetic manipulation". Phosematin®NE is a special combination of electrolytes and lecithin from eggs. With the magnesium present, the product makes an effective and valuable contribution to the health of the nerves and to a healthy muscle function.
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PHOSETAMIN NE (NEM) Tabletten 100
70,0 g
Trocken und vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung geschützt aufbewahren.
frei von Gluten, Fruktose, Laktose und Hefe sowie frei von künstlichen Aroma- und Konservierungsstoffen.
Dosage of Phosetamuin NE tablets
2 - 3 x täglich 2 Tabletten mit genügend Flüssigkeit schlucken.
Dabei empfiehlt es sich, in den ersten 2 - 3 Wochen 3 x täglich 2 Tabletten und anschließend 2 x täglich 2 Tabletten zu schlucken.
Haltbarkeit: 24 Monate
Zutaten: Eilecithin, Magnesiumcitrat, Kaliumcitrat, Calciumcitrat, Füllstoffe: Microcristalline Cellulose, vernetzte Natriumcarboxymethylcellulose,
Trennmittel: Siliciumdioxid, Mono- und Diglyceride von Speisefettsäuren, Überzugsmittel: Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose,
Hydroxypropylcellulose, microcristalline Cellulose, Überzugsmittel: Schellack, Gleitmittel: Talkum, Farbstoff: Titandioxid.
Nährwertdeklaration: 4 Tabletten = 0,042 BE, 6 Tabletten = 0,063 BE
pro 4 Tabletten - Eilecithin - 1200 mg, Magnesiumcitrat – 374,2 mg, Magnesium 58 mg,
Kaliumcitrat - 355,6 mg, Kalium - 128,0 mg, Calciumcitrat - 133,36 mg, Calcium - 32,0 mg
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den PDF Dokumenten.
source: Koehler-pharma.de
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Food information (PDF)
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