1-6 business days, depending on the destination
Strengthening the concentration:
In this category, we have put together for you a wide selection of affordable products around the topic "strengthening the concentration".
The fingers are on the keyboard, the deadline pushes, but ... the thoughts always wander. In one way or another, almost everyone knows this scenario. Sometimes, however, these phases also last for a longer period of time and then probably cause one to start to wonder if this is still "normal".
What causes are there for lack of concentration? There are external circumstances such as unfavorable lighting conditions, too high background noise, heat or insufficiently ventilated rooms. The kind of day also plays a part: stress, nocturnal restlessness or worries can take their toll, as well as eating too big meals or consuming alcohol.
Because every person has their own biorhythm, the time of day can also be decisive. Some are particularly creative and focused early in the morning, while others start the productive phase much later. In addition, our ability to concentrate is eventually exhausted, especially if we do not always take a break in between.
Of course, lack of concentration can also have psychological or physical causes. When the above outlined aspects are not present and the concentration problems do not disappear, a doctor must be consulted.
Generally speaking, to increase concentration, we recommend sufficient exercise and a balanced diet. In addition we recommend vitamin B 12 to increase blood flow and improve oxygen transport in the blood. Vitasprint B 12 is a good option.
Particularly interesting in this context is Ginko, a native of China tree species, which is used in the medical field for a variety of purposes. Among other things, Ginko serves to optimize the blood flow to all blood vessels, especially the small blood vessels in the brain and in the ear (microcirculation).
Make a selection from the medicines we offer, such as the Ginkgo-containing Tebonin, select the quantity you want and click on the shopping cart to complete your purchase.
For risks and side effects, please ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Source: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Psyche/Was-steckt-hinter-einer-Konzentrationsschwaeche-525449.html, https://www.marien-apotheke-prien.de/magazin/Wundermittel-Ginko- 2838
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
COFFEINUM N 0,2 g Tabletten
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN intensive 120 mg film-coated tablets
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ESPRICO Kaukapseln
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN intensive 120 mg film-coated tablets
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
PERCOFFEDRINOL N 50 mg Tabletten
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ORTHOMOL Vital F Trinkfläschchen/Kaps.Kombipack.
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HEPA-MERZ Granulat 3000 Beutel
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN forte 40 mg film-coated tablets
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN forte 40 mg film-coated tablets
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HEPA-MERZ Granulat 3000 Beutel
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN intensive 120 mg film-coated tablets
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HEPA-MERZ Granulat 3000 Beutel
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HEPA-MERZ Granulat 6000 Beutel
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HEPA-MERZ Infusionslösungs-Konzentrat Ampullen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN special 80 mg film-coated tablets
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN forte 40 mg solution
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
SILIMARIT Weichkapseln
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HEPA-MERZ Infusionslösungs-Konzentrat Ampullen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TEBONIN forte 40 mg solution
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
RÖKAN Tropfen 40 mg
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
GINGIUM Filmtabletten
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
SILIMARIT Weichkapseln
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ORTHOMOL Vital M Trinkfläschchen/Kaps.Kombipack.
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ORTHOMOL Vital M Trinkfläschchen/Kaps.Kombipack.
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ORTHOMOL Vital F Tabletten/Kaps.Kombipack.30 Tage
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ELEU Curarina Tropfen 1ml Taigawurzel-Fluidextrakt
1-6 business days, depending on the destination