1-6 business days, depending on the destination
Medicine for Love and potency:
In this category we have put together a large selection of cost-effective products around the topic "love and potency".
"Erectile dysfunction" - what is meant by this? The term describes the fact that in more than two-thirds of the cases, a man can not perform sexual intercourse, because he can not have an erection, or because he does not have an erection long enough. This phenomenon is more common with aging. Nearly 1 out of 10 men between the age of 40 and 49 is affected and every third man between age 60 and 69 is affected.
What causes can lead to such a disorder? As a rule, physical causes are present. In some cases psychological reasons are also present in young men. Informally speaking, in this context is often spoken of potency disorder or impotence.
Which procedure is recommended when the symptoms occur to you? First of all, you should consult a doctor to clarify in conversation and through examinations in more detail, why these symptoms occur. In addition, many sexual enhancers are on prescription.
Regarding the over-the-counter remedies for the treatment of these symptoms, we should mention Deseo, Yohimbin Vitalcomplex by Hevert or Neradin.
Make a selection from the products we offer, select the quantity you want and click on the shopping cart to complete your purchase.
For risks and side effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Source: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Erektile-Dysfunktion, https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Erektile-Dysfunktion/Wie-Potenzmittel-wirken-305151.html
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
NERADIN Tabletten
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LIBILOGES Filmtabletten
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LIBILOGES Filmtabletten
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
YOHIMBIN Vitalcomplex Hevert Tropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination