1-6 business days, depending on the destination
In this category we have compiled a large selection of affordable products around the topic "eyes, nose and ears" for you.
In everyday life, we rely heavily on our sense organs. That's why it's important to us to remedy diseases of the eyes, nose and ears in the short term.
What complaints can occur in these areas? We can mention, for example, a red (dry) eye and eye irritation, conjunctivitis, sinus infections, middle ear infections, colds in general or allergies.
Which causes are conceivable for these complaints? A red (dry) eye or eye irritation is often due to a limited supply of moisture to the eye (wetting disorder), which causes dehydration of the conjunctiva and cornea. This causes inflammation of the eye/conjunctiva, which causes eye discomfort and partially limits vision. If it is not an autoimmune disease, environmental factors such as heating or air-conditioned spaces can be the reason for the occurrence of these symptoms.
We recommend a treatment with Hylo-Comod or Vidisept for a dry eye. For eye irritation and conjunctivitis, Visine Yxin and Euphrasia Wala have had good experiences.
If your symptoms are more likely to be in the area of the nose, for example in the form of sinus infections during the flu and you feel restricted, because you can no longer smell good, your nasal mucous membranes are very dry and your nose is blocked, nasal sprays often have a soothing effect.
However, you should be aware that these should generally be used only for a short time. We would like to mention Otriven, Olynth and Nasic in this context. More often recommended are moisturizing sprays, such as Nasicur or Mar plus. Alternatively, Euphorbium comp von Heel is mentioned.
Make a selection from the products we offer such as Hylo-Comod, Nasic or Euphorbium, select the quantity you want and click on the shopping cart to complete your purchase.
Source: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/augen/rotes-trockenes-auge, https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Nasennebenhoehlenentzuendung
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
BERBERIL N Augentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HYLO-CARE Augentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HYLO-COMOD eye drops
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HYLO-FRESH Augentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
HYLO-GEL Augentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
TAXOFIT Augen Sehkraft Kapseln
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
VISINE Yxin Hydro 0.5 mg/ml eye drops
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
BERBERIL Dry Eye EDO Augentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
OTRIVEN 0,1% Dosierspray o.Konservierungsstoffe
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
BEPANTHEN eye & nose ointmen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
OLYNTH 0,1% für Erwachsene Nasendosierspray
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
GELOSITIN Nasenpflege Spray
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
OLYNTH 0,1% für Erwachsene Nasendosierspray
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
NASIC nasal spray
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
WICK inhaler pen N
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
OLYNTH 0,05% für Kinder Nasendosierspray
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
NISITA Nasensalbe
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
OTRIVEN 0,1% Nasenspray
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
OTRIVEN 0,05% Nasentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
SCHNUPFEN ENDRINE 0,1% Nasentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
CELLUVISC 1% Augentropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
AL 0,1% NOSESPRAY 10ml
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ORTHOMOL AMD extra Kapseln
1-6 business days, depending on the destination