1-6 business days, depending on the destination
In this category we have compiled a wide selection of affordable products for you on laxative.
A slow functioning of the intestines and constipation can seriously affect the quality of life. The phenomenon is not so rare. Approximately one-third of the world’s population complains of the associated symptoms and about 15% of Europe's population suffers from morbid constipation. It is much more common in women than in men.
How do you get constipation?
The causes are numerous: in some cases, the symptoms can be due to a particular lifestyle, or are derived from it. For example, it is assumed that a low-fiber diet, a too low fluid intake and too little movement promote constipation.
In addition, heredity can play a role, stress is certainly a point that must be taken into account and functional disorders of the body (such as metabolic diseases, muscle diseases or diseases of the central nervous system) can be responsible.
What can you do if you suffer from constipation?
First of all, start with an active lifestyle, sufficient hydration, regular fiber intake, as well as the consumption of dried fruit. All this stimulates gut activity.
Alternatively, constipation can be treated conventionally or naturopathically. As a mild laxative in this context, for example, Macrogol and Lactulose are recommended. If you prefer herbal latexes, bekunis tea or hawthorn tea can be used. Please note that the teas are very effective and should only be used for a short time.
Make a selection from the products we offer, select the desired quantity and click on the shopping cart to complete your purchase.
Source: https://www.apotheken-umschau.de/Verstopfung
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LAXOBERAL Abführ-Tropfen 7,5 mg/ml Tro.z.Einnehmen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
GLYCILAX suppositories for adults 12pcs
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LAXOBERAL Abführ-Tropfen 7,5 mg/ml Tro.z.Einnehmen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
MUCOFALK Orange Gran.for.preparation.of.a.suspension.for.use.in.a.can
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LEGAPAS Filmtabletten
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
MILAX 1,0 Suppositorien
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
GLYCILAX Suppositorien für Kinder
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
REGULAX Picosulfat Tropfen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
MUCOFALK Orange Gran.for.preparation.of.a.suspension.for.use.in.a.bag
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
MUCOFALK Apple gran.for.preparation.of.a.suspension.for.use.in.a.can
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
BEKUNIS Dragees Bisacodyl 5 mg magensaftres.Tabl.
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LECICARBON E CO2 Laxans Erwachsenensuppositorien
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
NENE LAX 0,5 Suppos.f.Säugl.
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
MUCOFALK Orange Gran.for.preparation.of.a.suspension.for.use.in.a.bag
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
MUCOFALK Apple gran.for.preparation.of.a.suspension.for.use.in.a.can
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LAXOBERAL Abführ-Tropfen 7,5 mg/ml Tro.z.Einnehmen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LACTULOSE-1A Pharma Sirup
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
NENE LAX 1,5 Suppos.f.Schulkdr.u.Erw.
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
MUCOFALK Apple gran.for.preparation.of.a.suspension.for.use.in.a.bag
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
BEKUNIS Dragees Bisacodyl 5 mg magensaftres.Tabl.
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LECICARBON E CO2 Laxans Erwachsenensuppositorien
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
LACTUFLOR Lösung zum Einnehmen
1-6 business days, depending on the destination
ISLA MOOS pastilles
1-6 business days, depending on the destination